The Lonely

Member for 1534361007

18 Posts & Comments

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The Lonely 1577354108

Only one spreading lies here is you.

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The Lonely 1577274632

and thank you for proving mine, Ashi.

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The Lonely 1577241720

maxwell, the truth is that you're petty. end of story. you quite literally posted this over a fight you had. you essentially threw a little shitfit like AshiPaws is known for. are you the next AshiPaws?

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The Lonely 1577224498

you're guilt-tripping, razz. stop it.

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The Lonely 1577179431

and guilt-tripping somehow helps? i get that maxwell is a piece of shit, but come on.

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The Lonely 1577153943

cut it out razz. that's not helping the situation.

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The Lonely 1577082688

what the fuck razz

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The Lonely 1576779080

And you would be correct, NobodyTheThird. That's exactly what happened.

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The Lonely 1576772158

I mean, technically it was stolen from SL. It was still someone's personal avatar anyways, so it's genuinely scummy that he posted it over such a tiny fight. That's AshiPaws level of petty.

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The Lonely 1576470415

can provide more evidence if required, i've got plenty of it.

Replied to a comment on unknown content 😴
The Lonely 1576444259

want me to get the proof from the original owner of this avatar? i can go ask right now

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The Lonely 1576336827

ok the guy who uploaded this is an actual pedophile but go off

The Lonely 1539897945

JuSt UsE mOdDeD vRcSdK

The Lonely 1539897859

this... isn't a direct attack. furries make jokes about their own community like this, it's literally just a meme. you gotta chill out MrDoge lmao

The Lonely 1534813518

Could you upload Drift? That's currently my favourite fortnite skin, and my favourite one to use from your world.

Commented on unknown content 😴
The Lonely 1534813351

Can you add Drift's kitsune mask?

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The Lonely 1534362796

"I made it myself in a blender"right, that's why you stated that the "creator did not mind" in the description?

Commented on unknown content 😴
The Lonely 1534361161

"The Creator did not mind." That's a big lie lmao this is stolen